David Tehrani visited the student association Bioøkonomene NMBU this week to give a lecture on Pronofa’s investment in Black soldier fly (BSF) production. The students had even rented the venerable banquet hall on campus Ås for the occasion, which provided an extra nice setting for the event. With around 60 students in the room, David talked about the challenges we have to solve in order to realize the great potential that lies in insect production in Norway. Afterwards, he was positively surprised by the interest shown among the students:
– There were biologists and bioeconomists in attendance, all Masters students, and they seemed genuinely interested in tackling new issues. They were really knowledgeable and asked interesting questions. It was a very nice meeting with the students, and I hope that we can assist if any of them choose to write a Masters thesis on Black soldier fly, says Tehrani.
– I actually didn’t think in advance that they would be so interested. The solution to several of the challenges we face will probably be found by people under 30 – not old men like me. The young generation really cares about sustainable development. I believe that young people have a lot to contribute to the important discussions we must have about sustainable food production in the future, he concludes.